BPC Homes Earn Top Industry Awards and Certifications
BPC Green Builders and BPC’s high-performance green homes keep winning building industry awards and earn residential green building and healthy home related certifications. Most earn more than one certification. BPC homes have earned some of the highest awards and industry certifications such as LEED for Homes Platinum.

Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Scores
BPC homes also consistently achieve excellent “Home Energy Rating System” (HERS) scores. HERS scores don’t just say a home is energy efficient. It proves it and shows exactly how energy efficient it is.
Learn what Home Energy Ratings System (HERS) scores are and mean to you. Then check out the HERS scores BPC projects have achieved.
Awards and Certifications by Category
Governmental | Green Building Organizations | Home Builder Associations | Health Organizations
Click here for more information about the organizations providing these awards and certifications.
Governmental Certifications and Awards
The US Department of Energy (DOE)
Zero Energy Ready Home Certification
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has established a certification standard for home energy efficiency called the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home. The general aim is for a home to generate as much energy as it uses, if not more.
All BPC homes today are engineered to meet or exceed the US DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program certification standards.

2021 Winner – National Housing Innovation Awards
The US Department of Energy named a certified Zero Energy Ready Home designed with passive house standards in mind and built by BPC Green Builders as a winner of the 2021 National Housing Innovation Awards in the category of Innovation in Custom Homes (For Buyer). This is the sixth DOE National Housing Innovation Award BPC has received.

2020 Winner – National Housing Innovation Awards
The US Department of Energy named a Net Zero contemporary dream home built by BPC Green Builders as a winner of the 2020 National Housing Innovation Awards in the category of Innovation in Custom Homes (For Buyer). This is the fifth DOE National Housing Innovation Award BPC has received.

2017 Winner – National Housing Innovation Awards
The US Department of Energy named a Passive House certified colonial style custom home built by BPC Green Builders as a winner of the 2017 National Housing Innovation Awards in the category of Innovation in Custom Homes (For Buyer). This is the fourth DOE National Housing Innovation Award BPC has received. BPC’s project was one of 9 finalists from across the US in this category.

2015 Grand Prize Winner – National Housing Innovation Awards
The US Department of Energy named a Passive House certified colonial style custom home built by BPC Green Builders as the Grand Prize winner of the 2015 National Housing Innovation Awards for Custom Innovation on the Path to Zero Net-Energy Ready Homes. This is the third DOE National Housing Innovation Award BPC has received. BPC’s project was one of fifteen finalists from across the US. (Download the DOE’s case study for this project.)

2014 National Housing Innovation Award
In 2014 the DOE chose a Passive House certified cottage as one of 22 national winners of its 2014 National Housing Innovation Awards for Custom Innovation on the Path to Zero Net-Energy Ready Homes. This is BPC’s second National Housing Innovation Award. (Download the DOE’s case study for this project.)

2013 National Housing Innovation Award
In 2013 the DOE chose a new contemporary-style home in New Fairfield as one of 21 national winners of its 2013 National Housing Innovation Awards for “Custom Innovation on the Path to Zero Net-Energy Ready Homes.” (Download the DOE’s case study for this project.)
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS Certifications
ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS are voluntary programs developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to promote energy efficiency and improved indoor air quality for businesses and consumers. ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS were developed as standards for certifying new homes. All BPC homes are built or renovated to meet the criteria for both certifications. Most of our projects exceed the ENERGY STAR criteria substantially.
Both ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS certification standards are incorporated into the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home certification standards.
All homes BPC builds meet or exceed ENERGY STAR and Indoor airPLUS certification standards.

Green Building Organization Awards
Passive House Institute US (PHIUS)
Passive House is a certification program that has done groundbreaking technical work in the field of building science to dramatically improve the energy performance of new homes and buildings around the world. PHIUS is a US offshoot of that program.
In 2017, a new colonial-style home in Clinton, NY, was certified.
In 2015, a new Historic Colonial-style home in Watertown was certified.
In 2014, a new cottage-style home in Danbury built by BPC became the first Passive House certified by PHIUS in Connecticut.

Connecticut Zero Energy Challenge sponsored by the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund
For the 2020 ZEC, BPC Green Builders, Inc. and its principals, Mike and Chris Trolle were awarded the Peter Harding Service Award in recognition of BPC’s long history of building extremely energy-efficient, high-performance, near-zero energy and net-zero energy homes, their dedication to building green homes and their winning 4 Connecticut Zero Energy Challenge Homes in the past.
In 2012, a new house built by BPC in New Fairfield was the winner of the award for the Lowest Home Energy Rating System (HERS) Index without Renewable Technologies.
In 2010, the Kantor House won 3rd prize in this annual competition focused on low-energy homes.
US Green Building Council (USGBC)
LEED for Homes
BPC builds certified LEED for Homes that are certified under the USGBC LEED for Homes program
The USGBC named The Taft School Faculty Residence built by BPC as the Outstanding Single-Family Project in the US for 2015.

The Taft School faculty home serves as a high-performance residence and learning lab for students. It is Connecticut’s first building to achieve LEED Platinum certification under the Building Design and Construction rating system for Homes using the new and more stringent LEED v4. The design and construction process is used as a teaching tool for science classes. The students monitor the energy use and there is also a vegetable garden, chickens and a rain garden on site as part of a comprehensive sustainability site.

2017 LEED Platinum: a new colonial style home in Clinton, NY. (Passive House Colonial II)
2015 LEED Silver: a fully renovated colonial style house in Ridgefield. (70s Colonial Update)
2015 LEED Platinum: a new Historic Colonial-style Home in Watertown. (Passive House Colonial)
2014 LEED certified: a new Neo-Traditional-style Home in Ridgefield.
2013 LEED Platinum: a new Contemporary-style Home in New Fairfield. (Candlewood Mountaintop Contemporary)
2013 LEED Gold: a new Neo-Traditional-style Home in Norwalk. (Classic Single-Gable Design)
2012 LEED Platinum: a new Contemporary-style Home in Norwalk. (Green Contemporary Home on the Sound)
2010 LEED Platinum: a fully renovated and expanded cape-style house in Ridgefield. This was the first home certified at the platinum tier in Fairfield County. (Reimagined Cape)
2009 LEED Platinum: a new Adirondack-style Home in New Canaan. (A Taste of the Adirondacks)
2007 LEED Silver: a new Neo-Traditional-style home in Bethany became one of the first LEED certified homes in the country during the pilot phase of the program.

The Connecticut Green Building Council
In 2015, the CTGBC chose a new Colonial-style home built by BPC for its “Award of Honor,” its top residential award each year.
In 2013, the CTGBC chose the Lawrence House for a Merit Award.
In 2012, the CTGBC chose the Costigan House for a Merit Award.
In 2010, the CTGBC chose the Kantor House as “The Most Intriguing Residence in Connecticut”.
In 2008, the CTGBC chose a new Saltbox Home built by BPC as “The Most Intriguing Residence in Connecticut”.

Green Builder magazine
Best Use of Advanced Building Technology
Green Builder magazine selected the Kantor House as the outstanding home in the US for its “Best Use of Advanced Building Technology” for their 2010 Green Home of the Year Awards program. An article on the house was published in their December “Awards” issue.
TownVibe media
2019 Green Award
On March 12, 2019, BPC Green Builders was honored for significantly incorporating green practices into their culture and operations at TownVibe’s Sixth Annual Green Awards’ ceremony in Ridgefield, CT.

Home Builder Associations
NAHB Research Center
National Green Building Standard™ Emerald Certification
In 2009, a New Adirondack-style Home in New Canaan was certified at the top Emerald tier. This certification means a project has been independently verified by an accredited third-party and received National Green Building Certification.
HOBI Awards sponsored by the Connecticut Home Builders Association

2011 Best Energy Efficient/Green Remodel in Connecticut
BPC won for a Renovated Colonial in Ridgefield.
2006 Best Energy Efficient/Green Home in Connecticut
BPC won for a new Saltbox Home in Norfolk.
2004 Best Energy Efficient/Green Home in Connecticut
BPC won for a new Four-Square Victorian Reproduction Home in Redding.
Health-Association Awards
American Lung Association Health House

In 2000, BPC completed a new, Super-Insulated Home in Roxbury, becoming the first and only builder in Connecticut to complete a home that meets the rigorous requirements of the ALA Health House program.
This national program has pulled together the expertise of top building scientists to establish criteria for every aspect of a home’s construction and operation to ensure high standards for indoor air quality, as well as other performance qualities including energy efficiency.
A Leading Authority on Green Home Building
Our work and expertise have been featured in:
Consumer Publications
- The New York Times
- Connecticut Magazine
- CPTV’s series “Connecticut’s Energy Future”
- The Home Monthly
- Connecticut Magazine
- NewsTimes
- Westfair Online
- Ridgefield Magazine Press
- New Canaan News
- The Litchfield County Times
- Sierra Club Quinnehtukqut
- Bedford & New Canaan Magazine
Trade Press
- GreenBuilder
- GreenBuilder – The Green Design Guide
- Energy Design Update
- Build with Propane, News
- U.S. Department of Energy Challenge Home Case Studies
- Green Home 2014 Annual Issue
- Green Home 2012 Annual Issue
- Green Home 2011 Annual Issue
- Green Home 2009 Annual Issue
Training and Certifications
Our staff holds degrees, certifications and/or have been extensively trained in:
- Green Building
- EPA Energy Star Construction
- DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes
- LEED for Homes
- Passive House (Passivhaus)
- Passive House PHIUS Standards
- Sustainability
- Building Science
- Energy Efficient Construction
- Engineering
- Real Estate Development
- Performance Rating
- Healthy Home Construction
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Assessment
- and more…