News from BPC Green Builders

What Makes a Home Green?
Choosing to build a green home over a conventional house is a smarter choice for your wallet, your health, your community, and the environment. There is so much to learn about green homes, but once you get more familiar with the green building process, you’ll notice that there are a …

BPC Wins Sixth US DOE Housing Innovation Award
BPC is pleased to announce that BPC is a winner of the U.S. DOE 2021 Housing Innovation Awards annual competition. This is the sixth Housing Innovation award BPC has earned since 2013. BPC’s project won in the category of Custom Homes (for Buyers). The home which BPC calls Hillside Passive …

BPC Net-Zero Energy Home Project Subject of Series in Fine Home Building Magazine
An 80-year old home in Connecticut getting a deep energy retrofit and whole-house green renovation by BPC Green Builders is the subject of an ongoing series of articles in Fine Home Building Magazine. Join BPC project manager, Albert Jensen-Moulton and the editors of Fine Home Building magazine as this Net-Zero …

Two BPC Green Builders Projects Featured in Bedford & New Canaan Magazine
Two custom green homes recently built by BPC Green Builders are the subjects of two articles published in the March/April 2021 Bedford & New Canaan Magazine. One of the articles, titled Positively Passive, is about a home built by BPC Green Builders and designed by the homeowners Elisabeth Post-Marner and …

BPC Green Builders Home Wins 2020 AIA Connecticut Sustainable Architecture Award
BPC Green Builders is pleased to announce that a Net Zero Energy home BPC built and designed by Trillium Architects won an Award of Merit in the 2020 AIA Connecticut Sustainable Architecture Award competition. This home also was the winner of the 2020 US Department of Energy Housing Innovation Award …

BPC Wins Peter Harding Service Award
BPC Green Builders is the Proud Recipient of the 2019 Connecticut Zero Energy Challenge’s Peter Harding Service Award We are pleased to announce that BPC Green Builders. Mike Trolle, and Chris Trolle have been awarded Energize Connecticut’s Zero Energy Challenge Award program’s Peter Harding Service Award. The Peter …

BPC Green Builders Publishes New Edition of its Online Glossary of Green Building Terms for Consumers
BPC Believes the New Edition to be the Most Comprehensive Green Building Term Glossary Online. BPC Green Builders is pleased to announce it has just posted online its newest and most comprehensive edition of Glossary of Green Building Terms to date. The new glossary contains over 300 terms and has …

BPC Green Builders Featured in Special Coastal Issue as the “Expert Who Can Help – Going Green can Start at Home”
Connecticut’s Gold Coast Publisher, Moffly Media, features BPC Green Builders in “Ways To Live The Good Life in Fairfield County”. The 2019 inaugural list of 203 recognizes Fairfield County’s “Gold Coast Treasures” – the pros and places for family fun, cool outings, shopping, and specialty services. Highlighted as “one of …

BPC’s Mike Trolle Selected as Green Building Expert for Panel Discussion on Healthy Homes: Green and Sustainable Solutions
The event was hosted by Gault Energy & Home Solutions in their Westport, Connecticut showroom. On June 26, 2019, BPC Green Builder’s co founder and principle, Mike Trolle, was one of 3 expert panelists at The Healthy Homes, Green and Sustainable Solutions presentation and discussion held at Gault Energy & Home Solutions in Westport, …

BPC Green Builders Win’s 2019 Top Green Business Award from TownVibe Media
/wp-content/uploads/TownVibe-Green-Awards-logo.jpg On March 12, 2019, BPC Green Builders was honored for significantly incorporating green practices into their culture and operations at TownVibe’s Sixth Annual Green Awards’ ceremony in Ridgefield, CT. Since 1998, BPC has always built green homes that meet or exceed industry-recognized green building standards. Many of BPC’s custom …

Healthier Indoor Air, Making Every Breath Fresh and Filtered
By Cheryl Crabb The Hartford Courant, August 11, 2002 After months of renovation, Stacy Prince expects to breathe a lot easier once she and her family move back into their Westport home later this month. From the outside, the Prince’s saltbox colonial will blend in easily with other houses on …

BPC Home Featured on Fine Home Building Website
The Taft School Faculty Home built by BPC Green Builders in 2014 was recently the subject of a detailed article on Fine Home Building’s website written by Kiley Jacques. The article starts off: Four years after its completion, the internationally recognized Taft House remains a leading-edge example of building science …

BPC Green Builders Wins WestPort’s First Green Building Residential Award
BPC Green Builders is proud to announce that we are the first winner of the town of Westport’s Green Task Force “Building Award for Achievement in Sustainable Design and Construction”. The award program is part of a larger program by Westport’s Building Dept. for recognizing projects in Westport that have …

How Propane Homes can be Zero Energy Ready
How Propane Homes can be Zero Energy Ready Build with Propane, News: By Hallie Busta April 20, 2018 Chris Trolle was interviewed for an article in the Build with Propane website’s news article section about a Zero Energy Ready Home and LEED Platinum project BPC built in New Fairfield, Connecticut in …

BPC Clients Write E-book About Their BPC Net Zero Energy Home
Download it for free here BPC clients Karen and Cyril Cabral were so enthusiastic about their new Net Zero Energy Home by BPC that they wrote an e-book to share their experience and what they learned about high-performance energy-efficient homes during the process. Most BPC clients find building their green home …

BPC Green Builders Earns Another U.S. Department of Energy Housing Innovation Award
October 2017 BPC Green Builders Earns Another U.S. Department of Energy Housing Innovation Award: 2017 US DOE Housing Innovation Award for Custom Homes for Buyers BPC Green Builders Inc. received its fourth DOE Housing Innovation Award in five years. The award category was “Custom Homes for Buyers”. Built in Clinton, NY the …

Ridgefield “Net-Zero” House Powered Fully by the Sun
Ridgefield “Net-Zero” House Powered Fully by the Sun NewsTimes, Feburary 23, 2017 This article about a sustainable Net0-Zero Energy home built by BPC Green Builders and designed by Trillium Architects starts: “After nearly a year in their new home, the Ranades haven’t had to pay a nickel for the energy …

Passive Housing Trend Gaining Momentum in Fairfield County
/wp-content/uploads/exterior-Rear2-EDITED-and-cropped-for-poster-1024×678.jpg Passive Housing Trend Gaining Momentum in Fairfield County The article below is about a BPC Green Builders Net Zero Energy home built in Ridgefield, Connecticut. The article’s title suggests this home is a Passive House but it is not a certified Passive House. The home does use some Passive …

BPC Earns USGBC LEED Homes Award for 2015 “Outstanding Single-Family Project”
June 2016 Front View On June 28, 2016 the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced that the single family Taft School Faculty Home, which BPC Green Builders built and Trillium Architects designed, in Watertown, Connecticut was awarded the national 2015 LEED Homes Award for “Outstanding Single-Family Project”. According to USGBC …

Modern Breed
Modern Breed Ridgefield Magazine, November/December 2015 This article is about a home BPC Green Builders built in Ridgefield, Connecticut begins: ““A HOUSE IS NOT JUST WHAT YOU WANT BUT WHAT THE SITE WANTS,” says architect Vincent Colangelo. That’s particularly true for the modern house he designed off Branchville Road. Finished in …

BPC Green Builders Wins US DOE 2015 Housing Innovation Award Grand Prize
BPC Green Builders won the overall Grand Prize in the 2015 Housing Innovation Awards from The US Department of Energy for “Custom Innovation on the Path to Zero Net-Energy Ready Homes” for a new colonial-style home in Watertown. This home was commissioned by the Taft School as a new faculty …

Taft School Faculty Home becomes Second PHIUS Certified Passive House built by BPC Green Builders
July 2015 A new colonial-style home in Watertown, CT, has been certified as a Passive House by Passive House Institute US (PHIUS). For a home to meet this standard, it must meet a series of strict performance standards that result in an 80% reduction in …

BPC Green Builders Wins Housing Innovation Award for the Second Time
September 2014 Connecticut’s First Passive House Certified Home Connecticut’s first PHIUS certified home. The first PHIUS certified home in Connecticut is owned by Mike Trolle, co-owner of BPC Green Builders, and is now a multiple award winner: the US Department of Energy’s Housing Innovation Award for “Custom Innovation on the …

Building the Future: A Builder’s Personal Dream Home Hits HERS 35
The rear exterior of my Passive House Energy Design Update newsletter, August 2014 Editor Amanda Voss Part 1 of this series begins: “Winner of the 2013 “Lowest HERS Index without Renewable Technologies” in the CT Zero Energy Challenge, the Trolle Residence in Danbury, Connecticut is the noteworthy culmination of a builder’s …

Houses That Green Built
Houses That Green Built By Karen Mankowitz Green Home 2014 Annual Issue This article says: “Despite the runaway use of the term in just about every industry, when it comes to quality home construction, it isn’t easy being “green.” What should be a well-quantified distinction has become a marketing term, …

BPC Green Builders Lowers Home’s Energy Cost by 90%
BPC Green Builders Lowers Home’s Energy Cost by 90% May 2, 2014 In a article written by Dirk Perrefort, he writes: DANBURY — BPC Green Builders is quickly becoming one of the leaders in the region in green building methods. The company, which is based in Wilton, recently won …

2014 Housing Innovation Award Winner: BPC Green Builders
/wp-content/uploads/ngg_featured/17CarolStreet-front-edited.jpg 2014 Housing Innovation Award Winner: BPC Green Builders U.S. Department of Energy Challenge Home Case Study This Department of Energy case study about a Passive House built by BPC Green Builders starts with: “Snow is cold, rain is wet, Chills my soul right to the marrow I won’t be happy …

2013 Housing Innovation Award Winner: BPC Green Builders
2013 Housing Innovation Award Winner: BPC Green Builders U.S. Department of Energy Challenge Home Case Study As this case study says: “A difficult decision to tear down a 60-year old lakeside bungalow led to the construction of a Challenge Home-certified, LEED platinum home that takes energy efficiency to new heights in …

Low-Impact Luxury
Low-Impact Luxury GreenBuilder, June 2013 An energy consultant and a HERS Index certifier helped this custom home in New Canaan, Conn., achieve both luxury and efficiency. NATE AND ETTA KANTOR wanted to live in a truly green home. To achieve their goals, the couple wanted to work with a contractor …

Healthy Homeowners
Healthy Homeowners By Dan Briody Green Home 2012 Annual Issue Etta Kantor still remembers the reaction she got from her builder when she described the type of house she wanted him to build. “He was so excited,” she recalls. “He said ‘Oh, you want to pull out all the stops!’” …

Scientific Method
Scientific Method By Dan Briody Green Home 2011 Annual Issue MIKE TROLLE KNOWS THINGS ABOUT HOUSES THAT VERY FEW PEOPLE KNOW. He knows how much heat a flat-screen television throws off. He knows how much heat the toilet flushes of a family of four will suck out of the air. …

Old + New: Best Use of Advanced Building Technologies
Old + New: Best Use of Advanced Building Technologies GreenBuilder – The Green Design Guide, December, 2010 The Adirondack-style shingled home, complete with a pond and running stream, holds its own along the estate-studded back roads of New Canaan, Conn. But it is a beauty that’s simply the veneer on …

Ridgefield Home Gets Top “Green”
Ridgefield Home Gets Top “Green” Press, Ridgefield, CT, July 1, 2010 A Ridgefield home is the first in town and in Fairfield County to be certified at the LEED for Homes Platinum tier by the United States Green Building Council. Mike Taylor and Steve Zemo said they chose to renovate their …

Green Speak
Green Speak By Dan Briody Green Home 2009 Annual Issue BPC Green Builders and the language of building science Mike Trolle is what you might call a greenbuilding geek. And he’s okay with that. “What matters most to me is building science,” says Trolle, founder of BPC Green Builders. “This …

The Greenest House in Town
The Greenest House in Town by Vinti Singh New Canaan News, January 8, 2009 The home in this article was built by BPC Green Builders. The article begins: To Etta Kantor, photovoltaic cells are beautiful. They represent the awesome energy of the sun, which gives the planet 10,000 times more energy …

The Greening of America’s Homes
The Greening of America’s Homes By Jane K. Dove The Home Monthly, October 2006 Is “green building” in the Northeast finally set to move out of the shadows and into the sun? The answer seems to be, yes. Largely overlooked in our part of the country, green building – a term …

The High Performance House
The High Performance House ADVICE ON HOW TO BUILD OR REMODEL A HOUSE THAT’S AS SMART AS YOU ARE. By Jennifer Huget Connecticut Magazine, May 2003 When you go shopping for a builder, you don’t expect to end up talking philosophy. But if Mike Trolle is the builder at …

Roxbury Health House Gentle on the Lungs, Kind to the Environment
Roxbury Health House Gentle on the Lungs, Kind to the Environment By Christine Shugrue Sierra Club Quinnehtukqut, Summer 2000 Reprinted with the permission of the Sierra Club Quinnehtukqut, Summer 2000 When it comes to improving our health we will consider changing our diet, exercising more, taking vitamins and slowing down a hectic …

A Roxbury House that Helps You Breathe
A Roxbury House that Helps You Breathe By Kathryn Boughton The Litchfield County Times, Friday, May 26, 2000 Business and Real Estate Section Reprinted with the permission of The Litchfield County Times. In colonial America, settlers closed their houses tightly against the night air, convinced that unhealthy ‘humors’ were carried on …