A Great Overview from the Washington Post About What to Expect
An analysis article in the Washington Post by Philip Bump entitled “What Climate Change is Actually Expected to Do” explains not only what scientists generally agree on will happen but also how what will happen will make climate change even worse.
The article provides more details about these negative repercussions scientists expect to see in a warmer world including:
- Increased health risks
- Drought
- Wildfires
- Shifts in growing areas for crops
- The broader spread of some diseases
- Big precipitation events with even more rain and snow
- Increased flooding
- Rising sea levels
- Warmer ocean water and how this contributes to worse storms
- Ice Melt
- Shifts in sea habitats
- More-acidic oceans
- Thawing permafrost, releasing more greenhouse gases
And how some of these things like the thawing of permafrost will exacerbate climate change.
Housing and Buildings are Major Contributors to Climate Change
Not mentioned in the article are these facts:
- According to the US Department of Energy 48% of greenhouse gas emissions in the US, perhaps the biggest driver of climate change comes from the construction and use of homes and buildings in the US. Buildings and homes. Buildings and homes exceed the transportation and industry’s use of energy as sources of greenhouse gases.
- The UN cites 40% of greenhouse gases worldwide come from the construction and use of homes and buildings.
But Green Homes and Buildings Can Also Fight Climate Change and Save Owners Money
- Green homes, such as Net Zero Energy homes can cut net energy use from sources that generate greenhouse gases to net zero
- When green homes are also Net Zero Energy Homes* they cut homeowner energy costs to zero as well.
This is why green homes like those BPC Green Builders builds help home fight climate change and also save their owners a significant amount of money on energy costs.
*Every new home BPC Green Builders now builds, if fitted with photovoltaic solar panels, can be a net zero energy home and cut net energy costs to zero.