What is Double Wall Construction?
Double wall construction is a common green building method and best practice for building walls that are part of the home’s thermal envelope. Your home’s thermal envelope is arguably the …

Home Indoor Air Quality, Indoor Air Pollution, Your Health, and Green Homes
Your home’s Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the amount of indoor air pollutants within your home, which impacts the health and comfort of those living there. One of …

NOAA Spring Flood Outlook for US and BPC Service Area
According to the news release on the US Department of Commerce’s NOAA website Spring Outlook: Historic, widespread flooding to continue through May “Nearly two-thirds of the Lower 48 states face …

Your Home’s Thermal Envelope: Most Important Element for an Energy Efficient Home
“To Build it Right You Must Build it Tight” Michael Trolle, Principal and Cofounder of BPC Green Builders Your Home’s “Building Envelope” is arguably the most important aspect of making …

Utility Scale Good Green News: Better Batteries and Increased Renewable Energy Can Save Consumers Money
Even Utilities are starting to go green and that’s good for everyone. According to a recent article in Green Building Advisor called Big Batteries, Not New Power Plants, since 2014 …

First Confirmed Mammal Extinction Cause by Climate Change
Rising Sea-levels, Flooding and More Extreme Storms Caused by Climate Change and Failure to Mitigate Problems Blamed Scientific American reported on March 21, 2019, that the Australian government announced the …

Greenland’s Ice Loss 2002 – 2016
The mass of the Greenland ice sheet has rapidly declined in the last several years due to surface melting and iceberg calving. Research based on observations from the NASA/German Aerospace …

What Happens in the Arctic, Doesn’t Stay in the Arctic
Photo by Kristoffer Brink Jonsson from Pexels Temperatures in the Arctic are rising faster than other places on earth. But as explained in an article called “The Arctic Is Changing. …

BPC Green Builders Win’s 2019 Top Green Business Award from TownVibe Media
/wp-content/uploads/TownVibe-Green-Awards-logo.jpg On March 12, 2019, BPC Green Builders was honored for significantly incorporating green practices into their culture and operations at TownVibe’s Sixth Annual Green Awards’ ceremony in Ridgefield, CT. …

How This New Canaan, Connecticut Dream Home Earned its LEED Platinum Certification
LEED for Homes certification involves earning points in the eight categories listed below for a wide variety of green features. Here’s a breakdown of how this new home BPC built …

13 Best Practices for Zero Net Energy Buildings
by Marc Rosenbaum The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association With ZNEBs becoming more common in NESEA country, we can begin to codify the strategies they share. A zero net energy building …

Healthier Indoor Air, Making Every Breath Fresh and Filtered
By Cheryl Crabb The Hartford Courant, August 11, 2002 After months of renovation, Stacy Prince expects to breathe a lot easier once she and her family move back into their …