Ridgefield Home Gets Top “Green”

Press, Ridgefield, CT, July 1, 2010

A Ridgefield home is the first in town and in Fairfield County to be certified at the LEED for Homes Platinum tier by the United States Green Building Council.

Mike Taylor and Steve Zemo said they chose to renovate their home using green construction because they wanted to do their part to reduce global warming and to move the country towards energy independence.

The Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification program awards points in eight  areas for green strategies used in the construction of a new home or complete renovation of an existing home….

High levels of insulation and a ground -source heat pump for heating and cooling dramatically reduce energy consumption said builder Mike Trolle of BPC Green Builders(…)

Complete article…

Reprinted with the permission.

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